Pistol jobs in Mumbai,Pune,Goa are now the most relevant jobs in security service

Everyone who wants a job in security services anywhere in Mumbai,Pune and Goa should only think of the most favoured and respected security jobs opportunities. These are jobs as bodyguards with pistol or revolvers, which has valid all india license or a keep and carry all India license with permanent residence in Maharashtra or all India keep and carry for Goa.

Mostly only ex-servicemen have all india licenses and pistol or revolvers with them. Most common pistol or revolver is .32 barrel. This is the most common, the second most available ones are rifles. But still rifles are a minority in comparison to the number that has pistol with them

PSO jobs in Mumbai, Goa,Pune

Pistol jobs are mostly available with businessmen, real estate owners, celebrities and other upper middle class people who has some important concerns.

Most pistol jobs are given to ex-servicemen, some people who have had more than 10 years of experience of service in security are also ones who apply for the tedious process of getting a gun license and purchasing a gun post acceptance and issuance of valid gun license.

But rarely have we seen anyone hire a armed pistol security officer who is a civilian. This is one of the most important steps in recruitment that we also adhere to and request our clients to maintain this parity when selecting candidates for personal security officer jobs in Mumbai.

There are many ex-servicemen that travel from around the country to work in Mumbai followed by Delhi. But many ex=servicemen start moving to smaller cities after have very good experience of security from cities such as Mumbai and Delhi.



Which is the best bodyguard / PSO / CPO one can hire in India?

Everyone wants to know where can one find the best bodyguards in the India.

Firstly, let us define a bodyguard, the definition of bodyguard includes a personal Security officer, a Close protection Officer, a Private Security Guard, a trained protection security personnel, a security expert – bodyguards are persons who protect the employer, the person to be guarded throughout his/ her movement. The bodyguard takes care of any unrequited attention that one wants to stay away from that may include fans, media, general wishers, relatives, unwanted friends and other such people that wish to interact without any background.

The most asked question is – Where and What constitutes the best security to hire anywhere in India ?

We cannot answer this question with one word reply. Please understand the fundamentals of hiring security.

The highest paid and most hired security is as follows: ( in descending order)

  1. SPG – Special protection Group – Salaries range from Rs.45,000 to Rs.60,000 per month

The most advanced and best trained force in the country is always the highest paid with a few exceptions.

2. NSG – National Security Guards – Salaries range from Rs.35,000 to Rs.50,000 per month

This is a 3 year course given to the best selected personnel to higher level training. They are almost as good as SPG, and some are equally comparable. This force is the most hired among all security officers in India. Therefore one should be very careful when employing Ex-NSG for PSO duty, as there are many candidates that will be stating they are from NSG but will have no valid verification.

  3. BSF, CRPF -Salaries range from Rs.27,000 to Rs.40,000 per month

Again important defence force candidates who are retired from force, the maximum CPOs and PSOs are available from this category and the have equally good skills. With adequate time and effort, many employers are able to hire, employ the best men from defines without the concern of finding NSG and SPG quality.

All three categories are generally armed and have all India licenses – they mostly carry .32 pistol or revolver.Some have rifle license and have rifles with them as well.

  4.  Civilian Armed Security Officer -Salaries range from Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000 per month

There are many civilians who have more than 10 years of experience as security guards, security supervisors, bodyguards for residences and have acquired gun licenses through there experience,are good hire at the best prices for people who have been able to built a trust relationship with such private security guards

  5.  Bouncer Bodyguard -Salaries range from Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000 per month

The well built, muscular, 6 Feet height youth who are body builders are turning into bouncers and from there the best are becoming bodyguards for the rich and famous.These are the strongest looking security personnel in India. Almost anyone who hires security officers in a high number always mixes it up with bouncers to take the look of the bodyguard team to the next level. Almost all bouncers are unarmed and better built than PSOs.

The maximum hiring happens in Mumbai and Delhi, followed by Goa,Chandigarh and Bangalore respectively. Mumbai pays the highest salaries to bodyguards, bouncers in India, Delhi comes in close second with Gurgaon and Noida paying highest salaries in Delhi NCR, Goa has some very rich VVIPS, that are ready to pay very good salaries with food and accommodation.

From the perspective of the bodyguard:-

Every employer can hire the best security officer but cannot maintain employ them exclusively until they ensure three basic things:-

  1. Promised Leave given Timely
  2. Salary Payment correctly and on time
  3. Respect and basic civility to an ex-servicemen working 24 /7


These things go a long way in ensuring good, disciplined duty throughout the tenure of the personal security officer.  These big risk their lives to keep the employer safe and handle all kings of situations. Taking basic care of their necessity will go a long way in ensuring better duty and better security.




Are NSG Commando the best security officers in India ?

Every VVIP Security company, every celebrity, every businessman, every big shot wants to hire a NSG Commando, no matter what the Ex-armymen, Ex-BSF, Ex-CRPF men have under their training, learning, experience . The outlook with people is that NSG, national security guard, is by far the best security that they can have. This was the case earlier, no the change is dramatic, earlier when the PSO hiring had just started ad the richer world had started hiring more men regularly, people wanted only Ex- NSG. This led to an excess demand and many new impostors arose, many many ex-servicemen have fake NSG certificates and therefore the whole creditability is as risk.

It can be understood with a simple analogy , every graduate does not go to the best college, some go to average colleges but are at par or at times even better than the ones that have qualified from premier colleges.

Similarly, every serviceman does not go to NSG, only a selected few from all regiments get this opportunity,and therefore the others are not fortunate enough. But many who do not get a chance have other medals and awards during defence service that have equal respect and deserve equal salary when hired.

This could be from various battles, fights, wars fought during the tenure of the army men such as Kargil, Mumbai 9 / 11, other curfews and battles in Kashmir, Crisis handling during floods and natural disasters.

These men are many times better than NSG, but there is one force that has consistently shown the best men of the service i.e SPG, Special protection Group. Nobody can have any comparison with SPG. SPG servicemen have the highest salaries and the best facilities when compared to their counterparts from the forces.

There is no doubt in my mind that people who hire for the purpose of an effect will always prefer and choose SPG.

But, there are many brilliant ex-armymen in India with excellent experience and all india gun license who can give the best of the service possible. This requires the patient eye of the employer and there are many employers who are hiring such PSOs in Mumbai and Delhi. These are the two cities where Personal Security officers are flocking to. Most accomplished bouncers from all around India also want to work in Delhi NCR and Mumbai. There are many jobs for bouncers and PSOs in the major towns. The only consideration for hiring in such places is Integrity, previous experience and valid identification proofs.

For salaries of bouncers in Mumbai –  Click Here


Private Bodyguard Salary in Mumbai

The salaries of private bodyguards, personal security officer and Private security is the highest in the country.

The personal security that earns Rs.30,000 per month in Delhi can easily earn Rs.45,000 per month working as VVIP Security.

The rates are highest for private security ex-servicemen who have all India gun license and work for five star hotels in Mumbai. They earn salary of Rs.50,000 per month plus food and accommodation.

An all India license is required for working in Maharashtra. A keep and carry license which is all India if registered outside Maharashtra does not work. One needs Police verification and only two kinds of Gun licenses are expected as per our experience and knowledge.

  1. All India License ( not Keep and Carry)
  2.  State License or All India license any category registered in Maharashtra

These are very important considerations for hiring private security guards for duty anywhere in Maharashtra, specially Pune and Mumbai.

Higher Salaries are earned by tall, experienced ex-servicemen who have all India gun license and can give the best duty without issues.

For Maximum salaries in Mumbai, one needs to be part of private security of celebrities and very rich businessmen.

Pune is also raising its standards for hiring private, personal security officers for duty all around Pune – in farmhouses, in family homes inside pune, around pune is big family farmhouses.

Every Personal Security Officer from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh wants to work in Delhi NCR or Mumbai. Very few want to work in small towns because of the salary.

Private Security ex-servicemen from Himachal Pradesh and Punjab prefer Chandigarh, Ludhiana and Shimla the best places for PSO jobs in India.

Most ex-servicemen reside in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh followed by Punjab and Rajasthan. Th best of the lot can come from any division and any of these four five northern states. An important consideration when selected a personal security officer for duty is that they should have experience of working in troubled areas and have worked at border duty for more than 2-3 years in their work experience.

One should always select Personal security officers between the age group of 33 and 45. The other ex-armymen, ex-BSF and other foremen who are aged 25- 28 are the ones that have been discharged or left early. Nobidy leaves the forces without completing duty of more than 12-14 years as only after that one is entitled to a pension. Everyone who retires from army wants to retire ONLY after they have become entitled to receive PENSION. Therefore one should be very careful one hiring a personal security officer for protection anywhere in India









What does PSO mean ? (PSO ka Matlab kya hota hai)


A Personal security officer is a trained, experienced and verified BODYGUARD for protection used by celebrities, VVIPS, corporate honchos, Media personalities, International travellers and rich top of the line businessmen all around India.


A Personal security officer in India is mostly an ex-serviceman from having background from ARMY, CRPF, BSF, CISF or any other force under the defence services of India. Almost all PSOs have valid all India gun licenses for .32 barrel pistol or revolver. Some personal security officer have a valid gun license for rifle. Nowadays the licenses given are for keep and carry and most are issued from the state of Jammu. India is a growing nation, the arms act is very well designed and has strong verification processes. Mostly gun licenses are taken by servicemen and  other persons  from the Defense services or specifically trained bouncers for protection. No serviceman becomes a bouncer. Some civilians are also Personal security officers. Every bouncer is civilian.

This is a very important difference to understand, further helps make useful decisions. Bouncers are trained for events and gate security, PSOs are trained for VVIP protection. Bouncers are much more muscular than the average PSO. Commando looking bodies are tight and slim in comparison to gym bodies.

Some people expect Personal Security officers with Arnold bodies , there are some SPG candidates that fulfil that requirement and the charges increase proportionately.

In todays age, hiring a PSO or bouncer requires a very important skill to understand the requirement and provide the best fitting resource.

The most important  and the best quality of a PSO is Integrity. Agar PSO banana hai to Barosa layer bona padega. Barosa or imandari sabse zaroori hai.







Hiring Bodyguards from severe threats in India

This is one of the most prominent reasons why people hire bodyguards for private / personal reasons in India. Firstly, a threat needs to be defined and divided into various categories to help explain the phenomenon better:-


  1. Threat from family relatives over money, property etc
  2. Threat from Married Partner, Ex-partner
  3. Threat from son, in-laws etc
  4. Threat from Business Partner, Business collegue
  5. Threat from lender, money payer
  6. Threat from unknown source


Most threats are only for intimidation purposes, to achieve the desired effect of getting the threatened party to execute the command of the person making the threat.

Security Cover and protection most importantly provides psychological peace and calmness during such situations.

When someone asks for protection during threatening circumstances, the security company always assesses the situation to arrive at a logical situation. An armed personal security officer will not and cannot be used for personal purposes under any circumstance. The most important purpose of hiring a personal security officer is to have someone licensed to protect you actually protect you during such a situation.

Threats that are categorised as life threatening or so severe that one will have to figure out a appropriate plan to survive does not get eradicated or diminished when personal or private security is hired. One requires to take police into confidence and proceed appropriately.

No Bouncer, No Personal security officer will initiate a fight with anyone on the whims and fancy of the employer. These well trained security machines are not there to fight your personal intolerance. But are hired to provide you security, safety and a peace of mind.

Security officers are not toys that can be utilised at the behest of the employer or his relatives. This is a very important fundamental that needs to be explained to hiring companies and individuals.

These men that are risking their lives to protect you day in and night require three things from their employer:-

  1. Salary on time
  2. Proper Leave as decided in the beginning
  3. Good Food and accommodation


If one takes these important pillars of security personnel maintenance and respect, one does not retain the capacity to have security officers stay with them for long.

Security officers prefer a solid unchanging job with their employers, a steady job profile is what is most important for any security officer.

A security officer will mostly sacrifice his life for his employer if his employer treats him well, gives him the basic respect and does not have any issues with his existing security staff.

There are many companies that are into providing security services but out of all there are very few that can provide trained, experienced personal security officers for work anywhere in India. The country is becoming evolved and the threats are beaching more categorical. Hiring trained staff is very important to have the best people keep your lives safe and secure.


Bouncers, Personal Security officers – Armed, Unarmed for hire for one day, few hours

Bouncers, Personal Security Officers ( PSOs) – Armed and Unarmed are available for providing protection for a customised period. Many people ask for PSOs for a period of One day, few hours during the day, for an event such marriage, function, annual celebration. Hired Security personnel are being requested to provide the finest security for day basis around India. The charges for hiring a Bouncer, PSO or a security personnel is different in every city and higher for late night events. Please find the breakup of the Bouncer, PSO hire charges for one day around India.

Charges for Bouncer Services for an event, function, celebration


S.No City Amount(Rs)
1 Delhi 2500
2 Delhi – Whole day whole night 3000
3 Gurgaon 2700
4 Rewari, Bhiwani, Jaipur 3000
5 Noida 2500
6 Greater Noida 3000
7 Faridabad 2500
8 Ghaziabad 2500
9 Mumbai 3500
10 Bangalore 3000
11 Chennai 3000
12 Pune 2000
13 Chandigarh 2750
14 Shimla 2000
15 Bhopal 1500
16 Lucknow 2500
17 Outstation UP 3000
18 Goa 4000
19 Small Towns in India 1500
20 Tourist Area- Hills, Forest, Sea Side 3000

The Personal Security Officer – Armed will cost Rs.500-Rs.750 more for the same duty as mentioned above. A PSO cum driver will cost Rs.1000 more on the prices mentioned above.

All Bouncers will be dressed in Black suit and all PSOs will be dresses in Safari dresses. In case the client requires there dress code can be Coat and suits – Black Color.

There is this requirement of Heavy Bouncers and very well built muscular bouncers in India. Most bouncers are heavy and muscular but none are as muscular and bulky as one sees celebrities in movies. They are strong and stand tall throughout the event. Bouncers are the best for functions and events, Personal Security officers are best for VVIP duty or protection during negotiations, meetings held anywhere in India.

As the days increase and as the requirement increases the prices are adjusted to meet the needs of the client and provide appropriate concession to arrive at a mutually agreeable price in most cases of long confirmed duty.

Many clients call for bouncers and Personal security officers both to be present for an event. That is possible and holds good in most cases. Please also be aware that female bouncers are not sent for far away, unknown places for duty. Female bouncers are only provided for duty at events held in cities and known places with confirmed return journey.

For more information please visit – Denetim Services




PSO / Bouncer Requirement in India

As crime takes more sinister turns in its ways and as money becomes more important than human beings, people will witness more robberies, criminals as they move ahead in life. Almost everyday  one gets to hear cases of theft, shooting, cheating, murder, dacoity, revenge killings, brutal gang wars, family feuds etc. The only way to stay safe in India is to hire a well trained armed or unarmed security officer. A PSO is mostly armed and an ex-serviceman, a Bouncer is mostly unarmed and a civilian.

The requirement for Personal security officer is increasing and it will only increase further as time passes by and as India becomes more money minded, less progressive, less in control of their lives and more in control of revenge, greed, money.

Here is a table that talks about the requirements broken down  city wise and the tempo of its movement

PSO Requirement in India Improving(YES) or Declining (NO)
PSO Requirement in Delhi  YES
PSO Requirement in Mumbai YES
PSO Requirement in Chennai NO
PSO Requirement in Chandigarh YES
PSO Requirement in Kolkata NO
PSO Requirement in Jaipur NO
PSO Requirement in Uttar Pradesh YES
PSO Requirement in Haryana YES
PSO Requirement in Himanchal Pradesh NO
PSO Requirement in Guwahati YES

This is based on number of calls received from around the country will regard to requirements in regard to Personal Security officers. Different cities have different requirements and work on different goals. Most Personal Security officers are protecting Managing Directors, Board Staff or the owner of the company.

But there are many places that require personal security officers and Bouncers for protecting the establishment, factory form workers and other people who can disrupt the working of the factory. Guwahati is one place where there are many cement factories and every cement factory requires many security officers to protect the gates, people and property from the factory staff and outsiders during work.

The future for security services in requirement for private individuals looks bright and as the need increases, people will become more choosy about what they wish to hire and how important it is to hire the best in the class to continue to get the highest level of protection

Delhi has the best Personal Security Officers and Bouncers that one can find in India?

Anybody looking for the best personal security officers, CPOs, Bouncers or bodyguards will always look for the best and one can easily evaluate them in comparison to rest of India. Most big Companies and top shots always look for PSOs in Delhi and have found them to be by far the best. This can be explained with a detailed historical background of how does Delhi get to have the best personal security personnel in comparison to any other city such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai , Kolkata .

The reasons that make Delhi important are:-

  1. Capital of India
  2. Army Base
  3. Central government
  4. Many many family owned bases
  5. Most Army personnel from neighbouring states

Delhi is a growing city and expanding to the surrounding areas of NCR. These being Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad. Delhi is closer to the border and most army personnel are deployed in Kashmir, Rajasthan and Gujarat. This also defines the fact about where do these army personnel come from. Most Army personnel come from North India and look for jobs in Delhi and NCR region. Most PSO jobs that PSOs are looking from come from ( in order of number of calls received from PSOs)

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Haryana
  3. Punjab
  4. Rajasthan
  5. Uttaranchal
  6. Himachal Pradesh
  7. Bihar

One can easily figure out that most PSOs are coming from North India and therefore they are approaching companies in Delhi for PSO requirements. Secondly once can also see that many Bouncers from the North Punjab, Haryana region have a better muscular built than bouncers in other parts of the country and therefore even these bouncers, bodyguards are considered better in Delhi.

We have seen that most requirements of PSOs that are coming to Delhi are from all around India and are also emanating from around the world. Even Bollywood is looking for PSOs in Delhi to meet its requirement in Mumbai.  The main attribute looked for is the height, built and the general demeanour that can be easily found in servicemen from Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana.

We forecast the future would be bright for north state in regards to security work and how they shall be easily accepted for protection anywhere in India as the most diligent and trustworthy kinds. The build and height is the primary consideration and the next is how these PSOs are shifting to the next level in training and work experiences making them almost international level security men. The need for security is increasing and finding such quality is not easy for any VVIP, Company situated anywhere in India. For the Best PSOs in Delhi please look for the best companies in Delhi.

Bodyguard,Personal Security Officer (PSO) Salary in India

Personal Security Officers (PSOs) or Bodyguards or Close Protection officers (CPOs) in India have varying salaries and can be understood with a few important distinctions that need to be explained. A PSO, CPO or a Bodyguard is hired based on the following characteristics:-

  1.  Ex-Servicemen or Civilian
  2. Experienced or New
  3. Armed or Unarmed
  4.  Height – 6ft or less
  5. Age Less than 40 or more
  6. NSG/SPG or BSF, CRPF, ARMY etc
  7. Service in forces of more than 10 years or left before 10 years

Personal Security Officer, Close Protection Officer in india These considerations are extremely important in a VVIP, Businessmen or any other employer making a decision when selecting a PSO, CPO or Bodyguard. The salaries for most PSOs. CPOs or Bodyguards in India are as follows:

Particulars Armed NSG / SPG Armed Army Armed BSF / CRPF Unarmed Civilian
Salary in Delhi (North India) 40,000 38,000 36,500 31,500
Salary in Mumbai ( West India) 45,000 43,000 41,500 36,500
Salary in Chennai ( South India) 42,000 40,000 38,500 33,500
Salary In Guhuhati (East India) 45,000 43,000 41,500 36,500
Salary in Uttar Pradesh ( Central India) 40,000 38,000 36,500 31,500
Salary in Rajasthan 38,000 38,000 35,500 30,500
Average Salary for PSO/ CPO 41,833 39,833 38,333 33,333

The salary will decrease in case the armed PSO, CPO or Bodyguard does not have an all India valid gun license. The gun carried by all armed personal security officers is mostly  .32 barrel pistol or revolver. The salaries can be increased further by Rs.5000/- for PSO cum driver specifically driving automatic cars for their employers. An experienced Ex-NSG, Ex-SPG with All India gun license height more than 6ft and a great experience record holder can easily ear upto Rs.50,000/- per month and even get many additional benefits.The highest salaries are paid in Mumbai. There are many reasons for this , but the most obvious one is that Mumbai is the financial capital of India..For more details about PSO jobs please visit – Denetim Services Jobs Most PSO Jobs in India have certain benefits that most employers provide due to nature of work, these benefits are not considered any important  or additional – these are food and accommodation. Addition to these two features is important as many VVIP clients spend a lot of time outside and have undecided hours of requirement. Therefore they want the PSO to be ready for duty any moment any time. Most ex-servicemen have the disciple and the training to work at such odd hours and perform without any limits. They have immaculate training and experience. Most PSO Jobs in India are with VVIPs, Celebrities, Businessmen, Real estate Owners and many other connected people of the country. Such people are ready to pay the salaries to such quality PSOs, CPOs or Bodyguards. They only require the best and quality personnel for work iin security matters. The best trained PSOs are only the ones whose work experience and previous service experience can be verified and defined to be of absolute quality. There is no doubt in our process that we can help the client and the PSO to arrive at a mutually agreeable job salary that meets the purpose and helps the client meet the requirement of  trustworthy quality security. For Bouncers Salaries – click here

There are many good bouncer jobs in Maharashtra – Bouncer Salaries in Mumbai