How to become a successful bouncer ?

This is the most asked question by the new generation that wants to do something in the world of security specifically bouncer security service.

The process for becoming a bouncer is not very complicated but can take some experience and time to accomplish. Not everyone can become a good bouncer, but everyone can make a name in the security work as many different positions open up once you learn the work for security at events, at corporate offices etc.

These are the requirements to become a successful bouncer:-

  1. Under graduation or at least 12 th Standard Pass
  2. Well Build strong fit muscular body
  3. Valid Identification proof of residence
  4. Age more than 22 years
  5. height at least 5 Feet 10 Inches
  6. Communication skills
  7. Discipline

The steps to become a bouncer are:-

  1. Contact Bouncer Companies
  2. Email your Curriculum Vitae and Full size photograph
  3. Work for small event security whenever possible
  4. Understand Security Work from peers
  5. Try attending bouncer training classes
  6. Master Self Defence Techniques
  7. Purchase proper suits for Bouncer security.


Many youngsters have become very successful bouncers in Mumbai and Delhi, with very good salaries and quality security work, they did not have much experience and had to take the path of event security, graduating to pubs, nightclubs and bar security and finally moving towards Celebrity and VVIP Bodyguard security. The same principle applies for becoming a female bouncer in India.

Jobs for female bouncers are available in Delhi and Mumbai as these cities take the title of being cosmopolitan and International in there outlook. More people living in these cities hire bouncers including female bouncers for security services at events, functions, gate restriction.

Even female bouncers need some background, training and experience before they are hired for important duties.

Female Bouncer Salaries are highest in Mumbai and the second highest in Delhi NCR. To become the best bouncer with very good stature one needs discipline, fitness and hardcore training to handle any situation that can arise during guarding and managing any position.


To apply visit – Denetim Services 




What are requirements to become a Bouncer ?

There are millions of young aspiring men and women who are physically fit, strongly built and can provide excellent security. However. they do not wish to enter the world of security guards, as understood in normal parlance. The youth wants to provide sophisticated bouncer duty at bars, night clubs, restaurants and five star hotels.

Most important question asked by youth today in this field is -what are the things I need to do to become a bouncer ? or what qualifications are needed to become a bouncer ? Are there jobs for bouncers who are 12th Pass ?

The following are the requirements to become a bouncer in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Goa, Chandigarh and other new happening towns of India.

  1. Excellent Muscular Body
  2. Very Good Height
  3. Some knowledge of English
  4. Complete knowledge of mail, whats app for communication
  5. Atleast 12th Standard passed educated with attested certificate
  6. For top jobs – Bouncer experience – minimum 5 years
  7. Non Drinking, Non Smoking, No Ear rings, No Long Coloured Hair.


The best bouncer jobs are in Mumbai followed by Goa and Delhi. The requirements and qualifications for bouncer jobs are the same for all three cities. Physical fitness is prime, followed by height and good mental discipline.

Mental discipline is extremely important for bouncers hired for any duty, whether part time bouncer job or full time 10 hour duty per day. Bouncers are not warriors who will fight it out with the people who are not behaving appropriately. Bouncer use physical strength to control and manage the situation.

BOUNCERS ARE ALSO KNOWN AS COOLERS, DOORMEN, GATE MANAGERS. Therefore it is extremely important that the situation is handled without any issues or altercations during the security service.

It takes time and experience to train a bouncer to handle situations in such a way that it does not lead to further complications. This is the reason that we do not employ bouncers who are young and inexperienced in this field at important places such as nightclubs in Mumbai, Cafes in Goa and Party places in Delhi.

The duties of a bouncer can be elaborated to include the following:

  1.  Manage Security
  2. Manage Audience and Staff during events, functions etc
  3. Verify Entry at the gate
  4. Maintain Decorum for the event
  5. Be ready for administrative duties
  6. Manage Potential noise makers / troublemakers
  7. Stay Focused and Disciplined for any unexpected event / work
  8. Always follow the lead of the manager / Event organiser


Bouncer work can be very complicated and can be very easily manageable for various events. Bouncers can be just required to stand throughout the duty or can be asked to manage and control the incoming crowds i.e entry forms, complete verification of identity proofs and blocking unwanted visitors throughout the event.

Most events in Mumbai are within the reach of transportation and bouncers can travel through local train during any very late night event. However, there are places in Delhi, Gurgaon,Noida and Greater Noida that make it very difficult to return after a late night event. After experience and many issues related to transportation, companies generally ask organisers to be supportive of helping the Bouncer security staff to the nearest metro station, bus stop.

Bouncer duties can be very rewarding and high satisfying for many accomplished bouncers, but nowadays its important to train and develop yourself to become a good bouncer.

Click here for Details about Bouncer Salaries in Mumbai





How do I control my alcoholic Husband/ Relative/ Cousin with a Bouncer ?

Many many people are facing the the alcohol conundrum. How to handle your relative non-violently and at the same time maintain safety of other family members in the house. The rising alcoholic addicts are causing problems unheard off and solutions are also something that have not been applied before. The husband / cousin / brother / father are people can are loving and caring during the day but suddenly lose their temper, calmness after alcohol enters their system.

The wives,daughters and sons are unable to handle the alcoholic and do not know what to do in this case. Many times alcohol causes violence and more misery than can be anticipated from the outside.

The family members are asking for bouncers that can handle their family members with control and discipline. with peace and not anger or violence.

The rise in requirements from

  1. Old Parents
  2. Wives / Daughters

Is at the highest now and there is a steady increase in the requirements for trained, experienced bouncers to control any unexpected situation. many times the bouncers are hired to ensure that the concerned person does not drink at all and to be present with the person throughout the day and even be around in adjoining rooms at night.

Alcoholic addicts cannot be controlled through power, but can be managed with strong minded, well built bouncers who do not drink, smoke or lose their  minds when any form of money is thrown at them. This is the biggest reason we are able to control the situations and enhance the provision of bouncers for protection of family members during such unthoughtful family situations.

The city is becoming more addicted and the baby boomer generation is getting older. we have received calls of children living around the world to provide protection to their parents from the black sheep child of the family. This can only we done when there is a good brand, proper training and best quality methods applied by the bouncer company to ensure that your loved ones are safe all the time.

Bouncers Security at Shriram College of Commerce ( SRCC ) on 18th and 19th September, 2015

Denetim Services has provided security services for Youth Conference’ 2015 being held at Shriram College of Commerce ( SRCC) with speakers from all arenas.

Bouncers for security India

The event is being held at the auditorium and we as a company are responsible for the complete security and management of the event, guests and the audience attending the event.

Bouncer hire India

The event started at 10.00a.m with honourable guests starting the event. The auditorium was packed to its capacity and had to managed through all four doors. The students were entering through gate no 3 and Denetim Services managed the security through the check posts, for the celebrities and the speakers. Security was present inside and outside the auditorium and the bouncers were standing throughout the day for duty without any error.

Trained experienced bouncers delhi

Bouncers are disciplined, well dressed and trained to handle all kinds of situations. New bouncers are introduced in case anyone does not follow the dress codes informed beforehand. We take no lapse in attitude or behaviour of the bouncers.

Bouncers at Event in Delhi

The event is almost a 10 hour event with speakers continuing from 10:00a.m to 7:00p.m , Denetim managed the complete security and administered student gatherings, seatings and guest arrivals throughout the event. The team assembled at gate no 4 with every bouncer arriving by 9 for the event to start at 10.00a.m .  Bouncer security for funtion

Bouncer Salaries in different Jobs across India

Most Bouncers work for events, functions and parties throughout India, some bouncers are employed in gyms and give 12 hour duty everyday starting from early morning. Bouncers mostly make between Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000 per month. Bouncer salaries are based on many factors. The highest paid bouncers have the following characteristics:-

  1. Height
  2. Built
  3. Education
  4. Experience
  5. Background check
  6. Previous Salary

On an average Bouncer salaries in different jobs are generally as mentioned below:-

Salaries Per Night Per Month
Bouncer Salary for Parties 2500 25000
Bouncer Salary for Gym 2000 27000
Bouncer Salary for Corporates 3000 23000
Bouncer Salary for Gate protection 2000 20000
Bouncer Salary for Marriages 2500 24000

These salaries can be applied to the whole of India, but do not cover small towns as the amount paid per bouncer hire is 10-20% lower.  The maximum bouncers can make is through  working for a corporate gym somewhere around. Gyms are the best known for the muscle and built and there is bound to be friction between members at the gym. Hiring a bouncer is helping protect the environment and ensure calmness stays as bouncer handles every complaint and every issue that arises in the gyms. There are ver few trained bouncers who are perfect for the job at the gyms. Denetim Services can scout them from the best. Bouncer hire is becoming an important task for most corporates and more people are hiring bouncers in India.

Bouncers for hire around Delhi and Mumbai are more expensive than other metropolitans in India. Yet the culture for bouncers is on an increase and as more crime comes into the picture. India is becoming an infested place which has many unsafe elements. These reports, these cases are making people hire bouncers for protection, for management and for safety all around India.

How do bouncers control fights ?

Bouncers are bull dozers without an operating system. Bouncers are people who are just alive to eat, build muscle and stand like a wall.

India is a growing nation and the number of party goers is increasing, leading to more cases of drunk brawls, late night wars between gangs and instances of fights at clubs, restaurants. Bouncers require loads of food and loads of chicken to survive, not to forget the amount of beer they consume after the event has finished. Bouncers are uneducated, civilian boys who have worn black suits to stand in pubs. To achieve a qualification as a bouncer in India is very easy and can be obtained by just having a well built body even of the body build is crooked and spoilt. Bouncers are generally shabby and unkept throughout their lives.

Denetim Services only recommends hiring bouncers in Delhi for events or functions particularly for gate entry. Bouncers for hire in Delhi come from neighbouring states and villages and do not have the same sense of etiquettes and training that can be expected from a upper middle class family that has resided in Delhi. Even though the number of educated, professional people quitting jobs and applying for bouncers, security work is increasing, the transition will take sometime. But once the transition happens one will easily see how education and qualification will transform the bouncer market in India.

The need to understand the sophistication, the quality and the factor of class protection is still missing in India,  partygoers, party throwers are requiring bouncers for elite parties in farmhouses, marriage functions and big party halls around Delhi, now such gatherings are attended by the rich, the VVIPS, the celebrities and many other known people. Such situations require nothing but the finest and the best bouncers of India, with immaculate style and absolute security provision. One cannot get bouncers from US or UK for one event. But one can get its best bouncers trained and groomed by an International Security expert who can help sharpen the quality or security services available in India.

Bouncers need constant affirmation, they are insecure people who are unsure of the future as the bouncer industry is adding thousands of bouncers every month. Untrained, uneducated villagers are being positioned as bouncers in cities around India. Bouncers profession has that elasticity to have untrained and badly dresses bouncers standing in the crowd and not being noticed in the team of bouncers. This is the key to understand the bouncers. There are many bouncers who are not exactly bouncers but are still making money as bouncers. They are just ordinary people who have connection with established bouncers and are able to pass on some of the money earned as commission to the established bouncers. There job is to be present during the head count. They are nothing but mannequins. Every event organiser, every function manager, every marriage in- charge should always keep a eye on such a fact.

Most security services companies providing bouncers do not pay taxes, are nowhere near payment of service tax and are unregistered with the government when it comes to security registration of their companies.

Female Bouncer, Female security officer for female protection

There is a rising trend for protection requirement of upper middle class and upper class women, these requirements are for hiring private security officers and bouncers for general protection in and around travel in cities.

Women from upper class that already have a chauffeur driven luxury car generally have one personal security officer or private security guard for duty, who accompanies her during her daily travel. In such cases the person is generally male security officer. But lately many women from middle class who visit colleges or are studying somewhere require a lady bouncer or lady personal security officer for protection in and around India.

The recent surge in lady bouncer or lady security officer is also seen as a safety measure taken by parents to keep their daughters safe even from male security personnel who cannot be trusted in some cases, specially in a country such as India.

Lady Bouncers are from Ex- service background, mostly from Ex-BSF, Ex- CRPF. These women have completed there service for at least a period of ten years so as to receive government pension. Most of these lady security officers are living in cities raising their families. These security women are looking for work in Delhi and can be trusted with any kind of duty. The only consideration being the transportation needs to be organised by the company in case the work entails late night duty or duty to secluded, far away areas outside the city.

One will find that almost upto 90% of the women are ex-servicewomen and the rest are civilians, a ratio that cannot be said to be same for male bouncers and male personal security officers.

Women Security officers, Women Bouncers or lady bouncers are safer, more disciplined than their male counterparts and can provide higher quality of security services. Absolutely no women security officers smoke or drink. Nobody can challenge the this, and almost all male security officers and male bouncers smoke and drink. The difference is discipline between female bouncers or lady security officers and male counterparts in so vast that one actually waits for the day when everyone will understand this and only hire female security officers in India. This will add better safety, better protection, more discipline and lead to lower risk in terms of security.

There is an emerging trend of women hiring women security throughout Delhi and it is hoped that this will soon become the changing factor in the security industry.

A Quality Tall Strong Good Height bouncer is not enough in Delhi

Is height, muscle and heavy body enough for one to be classified as a good bouncer. There are multi nationals that request for heavily built bouncers that look like bull dozers and can have a aesthetic effect of making one feel safe and secure. But does one actually get quality protection from heavy, strong bouncers at events and marriages in Delhi NCR. The answer is no. The reason is simple – Bouncers that are heavily built are just show case material and cannot fight or control crowds that are tempered in heated situations.

Bouncers can stand around to make one feel protected, but not any more – any client with experience and appropriate information will only ask for commando officers or bouncers with sports background that have unbelievable fitness. One just needs to view them as speed machines that are actually there to provide you protection. Bouncers with experience have tried hard to control their weight and get get leaner but without any results. The reason is that heavily built men cannot move around and be swift and agile in a given situation, specifically at events – such as marriages, concerts and parties, where bouncers are required to run around some important persons and ensure safety at all times. Such long durations and extremely movements slows them down and one can see a marked difference in there performance the next day, whereas commandos will perform without any complaints for 16-18 hours and be ready for another duty within 5 hours to work for another gruelling 18 hour shift without a botheration or creation of any doubt in the mind of the person who has hired them for duty.

Bouncers are also beer guzzlers and therefore can be a nuisance at night, whereas trained ex-servicemen do not drink anytime during their work schedule and have a very disciplined regime of duty.

These are some of the reasons that people are preferring fitter, leaner commando type bouncers for duty that heavily built super muscular bouncers that can do nothing but will stand and just be people to be scared of , but when the time comes their security provision would be as good as a tortoise trying to run a 100m race against the fastest olympian on earth.

Best Bouncers in Delhi India

It has become literally impossible to find quality bouncers because every uneducated strongly built villager from Gurgaon, Sonipat, Ghaziabad and surrounding villages of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh has started to join various bouncer companies in Delhi NCR. This has led to various problems for the people hiring such security services.  So how does one arrive at the answer of the question that which company provides the best bouncers in Delhi NCR. We at Denetim are trying hard to achieve complete transperancy and perfect security for all our clients. For reaching this goal Denetim has worked hard to ensure that we have the best hired bouncers for service. Each Bouncer goes through thorough verification before finalisation into the team.  Education, Fittest , previous record is verified in detail before we hire a bouncer at Denetim

Best Bouncers in Delhi

To Become the best bouncer company in Delhi, Denetim has worked hard to create methods and techniques to arrive at an almost perfect method.

Hire the fittest, 6ft bouncers for security, protection anywhere in Delhi, Gurgaon or surrounding regions at the most competitive rates from one of the most respected companies in India.

Denetim Bouncers  are the best trained

All bouncers are as tall as 5″11 or higher, have strong muscular well built physiques, are presentable and are dressed in black clothes. There are certain important qualities that the educated middle class and upper class look for in bouncers. The most important requirement is fitness and behaviour . We take complete surety of both the requirements when you hire bouncers from Denetim Services.

Certain characteristics are taken are more or less a surety of the quality of service one can hope to get when hiring a bouncer. These characteristics are education, experience, training and place of birth, childhood.

These questions are addressed by the Denetim team during hire and given the maximum importance. One needs to very sure in matters of security. There can be no mistake when hiring a bouncer for providing protection.

Bouncers for Hire in Delhi Gurgaon Noida

Denetim Services provides bouncers for hire in India. There have been many instances of bouncer brawls and the consequent police arrest. This is changed the security industry completely. The question asked by all women in Delhi, which is already known for being unsafe, what is the point of having bouncers for protecting the gates, pubs, bars when these bouncers are a threat themselves.

Denetim in this regard has taken a pledge to provide the finest bouncers that are educated are brought up in Delhi, will not drink, smoke or chew tobacco under any circumstance. In case of any misconduct Denetim Services will refund the amount paid by the client and also take the strictest action against the bouncer involved. We have very stringent controls and try and maintain the best squad of bouncers.

Bouncers hired by Denetim have a very strong portfolio and have worked at various places  such as bars, pubs, clubs, marriages, functions, celebrity protection, crowd control , gate control etc.

In case of any instance of a fight, we ensure that bouncers provided by us are not involved in any way. Any involvement leads to complicating the matter and creating further trouble. Bouncers that are coming to Delhi NCR are generally coming from Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and very few from Punjab. This is where the problem starts. Every person hired by us is thoroughly verified from previous employers and guaranteed to follow the strictest conduct during security service.

Most Bouncers drink beer after the event that they have to provide security at. This can be a cause of concern for the event manager or the establishment holding the event. Such acts can completely tarnish the name of the event management and the company providing the bouncers for hire at such events. Denetim has created various checks and balances to ensure that there is no unruly activity after the bouncers have finished there security work at the event.

One of the most important concerns of people requiring bouncers is that they need to interview few of them before employing them at an event and often ask them questions to understand there temperament. This is understood to be a crucial step and Denetim promotes such cross questioning in all instances.

We strongly recommend that one checks the credentials of the company and verify the methods used required for hiring bouncers as this can make a huge difference during the security provision during the event.