How to become a quality bouncer with high salary ?

Becoming a bouncer nowadays is not an easy task, very fit body, well built muscular physique and discipline are the most important starting elements of becoming a bouncer anywhere in India.

Only after one has passed these vital preliminary points does one start to get trained and shaped for becoming a celebrity or VVIP Bouncer anywhere in India.

The best bouncers in India do not need to look for jobs as the general newcomers do, they are offered high paying jobs with accommodation throughout their stay.

There are many new job offers available for bouncers nowadays, the industry and the need for security is diversifying and that has led to a major change in the perception of people in how they require their security to be. Bouncers are considered unarmed and younger that personal security officers. Bouncers have a wider range of work profile as well. Most celebrities hire bouncers for protection. An important reason for hiring bouncers is also unarmed security is allowed in Malls. Hotels, restaurants and other such places.

Bouncers are trained to handle any situation that can arise. mostly being crowd control and general management during the visit of a celebrity or a VVIP.

The increasing need and importance of proper, disciplined bouncers will ultimately lead to starting of a bouncer academy. Such a academy will train, educate and place bouncers all around India. Applying as a bouncer will lead to such important certification being in place.


Currently there aren’t any bouncer training schools or academies in India and many other parts of the world. Most bouncers are trained during event work and other security managements. Bouncers which have good reviews during such security services are hired by bigger companies eventually leading to higher pays and better jobs.

Youth finds the path of bouncers very rewarding and easy to follow, rewarding it is but not easy to reach the higher echelons of bouncer ladder. Bouncer jobs are available all over India but quality jobs are countable and limited. Only the best experienced and trained reach that level.



How to become a bouncer for celebrities?

Every Bouncer wants to earn big and wants to be part of the entertainment industry as well. Bouncers understand that earnings are highest with some Bollywood celebrity.

Earning for Bollywood celebrity can go upto Rs.50,000 per month ( 2016) plus other benefits such as allowance, travel, accommodation etc.

Bear in mind that the efforts required to earn such respect and salary is herculean handwork. Late nights and early mornings, unprecedented travel with no routines in picture. The situation is changing and almost every young person is ready to such a thing.

Bouncers want to work with A lister Bollywood celebrity and always look at picture of stars being protected as the number one detail about quality of security work.

Every bouncer whether in Delhi or Mumbai or anywhere else, wants to work for Movie stars and live in Mumbai. The salaries are no doubt higher than the other stars but at the same time the work hours and the unclear, erratic regime of duty takes a toll on the body.

Only bouncers with good discipline and good frame of mind can enter this work.

The most important qualities that a celebrity looks for in a bouncer are:-

  1.  Very Good Height
  2. Very Well Built
  3. At least 3-4 years of quality experience
  4. Good Basic Education
  5. English Speaking skills
  6. Ready for any situational work
  7. Honest and verifiable


There is no compromise is the above, the top celebrities ensure they hire the best bouncers, bodyguards for duty anywhere in India and continue to stay safe as the best never falter, are never indisciplined, have quality written on them and can handle any situation including unnerving crowds.

Managing crowds is the most important celebrity requirement and to handle crazy fans, who are overpowering one needs very well built muscular and trained bodyguards, bouncers. A noisy acrimonious bouncer would spoil the situation. Therefore experience plays a handy role in deciding the maturity and calmness of the bouncer. Bouncers never let the situation go out of control. They always are ready calmly to handle situations at hand.

The entertainment industry is growing and so is the crazy, uncontrollable fans that want a piece of their star at any cost. They will push, pull and even create a scene in order to get the stars attention. This is where the bouncers come in and have to be present with the celebrity at every occasion, every launch, every conference, every public meeting, gathering that is happening anywhere in India. Even when the celebrities are visiting pubs, nightclubs they take their personal security with them. No celebrity goes anywhere without a bouncer. The security becomes an extension of the celebrity and knows more that anyone else.

This leads to a situation where confidentiality becomes important and plays a very important role in the decision making process that celebrities take in deciding who to hire.



How to become a bodyguard,bouncer in India?

The places where we have bouncer jobs in India are mostly in the following cities:-


  1. New Delhi
  2. Gurgaon
  3. Noida
  4. Mumbai
  5. Goa
  6. Pune
  7. Bangalore
  8. Nagpur
  9. Shimla
  10. Chennai
  11. Bhopal
  12. Lucknow
  13. Chandigarh
  14. Jaipur

The salaries range from Rs.20,000 t0 Rs. 30,000 per month. This applies to male and female bouncers in India. The best bouncers can male upto Rs.50,000 per month. Absolute Fitness, health and training is required for earning such high salaries.

How to Become a bodyguard or a bouncer in India ?

Delhi and Mumbai are the best places for bouncer jobs in India. To become a bouncer you need the following characteristics.

  1. Good Height
  2. Good Physique
  3. Good Experience in Security Services
  4. Proper Valid verifiable identification proof
  5. Bodyguard Age – 28 to 40
  6. Bouncer Age – 20 to 28
  7. Education – Under Graduation can lead to high salaries
  8. Integrity and trust are most important

Gym Experience, Event Security experience is the starting of any work in the bouncer world. New Bouncers built solid muscular bodies to reach the level of selection and reach good job opportunities.

English Speaking Bouncers and Car driving skilled bouncers are really in demand and the clients are ready to pay high salaries and many other benefits for long term job opportunity.

Bouncers in India need good bodies and good experience to be of real quality anywhere.

Most places have associated bouncers including female bouncers with jobs of gate entry and pub crowd control. But nowadays the newly trained and educated bouncers can provide quality protection and look for any work in India. People are hiring bouncers for new kind of jobs that have never existed.

The new kind of job opportunities are:-

  1. Residential complex security
  2. Corporate gate entry security
  3. Real Estate construction security
  4. Company staff management
  5. Industrial Labour security
  6. Trained Gate Security at VVIP Homes
  7. Bodyguard duty at hospitals


This new surge in requirement is opening doors for job opportunities for all well built and trained youth of India. Mostly the youth had thought of jobs in Educational Sector behind a desk. Now people can hire security officers / bodyguards for new job roles which have higher respectability than before.

Even parents and family members of the newer middle class is accepting their children becoming fit, muscular, well built bodyguards. close protection officers at corporate offices, industries and other such new places that are high paying long term options that had never existed before.

The newer economy is promoting bouncers for hospital support of families that are not getting time to manage their loved ones and their diseases during their hectic employment. Such management is being done by educated bouncers who stand all day to provide support services for the family throughout.

Female Bouncers are also being hired for old loved ones who are unable to sleep at night and cannot be managed by the family because of pace of life, hardships of city living etc.

For more details please visit – Bouncers in India

For job opportunities contact – +91-11-25106266







Why Mumbai is the best place to work as a bouncer in India?

Mumbai is the fastest growing city in India, it is coastal city with an equal touch of regional Maharashtra and International financial flavours. Mumbai is also the celebrity capital of India. Almost all Bollywood stars live in Mumbai. This is where night clubs have freedom to let you party all night long, this is where people hop to goa without a question in their mind.

Mumbai is fast and International with an equally big party scene, this brings in security for such events, parties, celebrity celebrations across the town. VVIP Security for celebs and many more security operations into picture.

Maximum Bouncer Jobs are available in Mumbai and the security work is also highly regarded and well paid.

In case you wish to work in Mumbai and have a quality life with good respect, becoming a bouncer is not a bad thing for the young generation. Most bouncers are heavy and well built with height of almost upto 6 Feet.

The work timings are 8-10 hours with 4 holidays in a month. Its important to understand and master security requirements of the client and provide best possible security services.

There must be more than 10,000 bouncers working actively in Mumbai, and there must be 5000 bouncers working in Delhi NCR which is the second best for getting a good bouncer security job.

India is evolving and accepting security jobs with more respect that before, India has gone from nowhere to everywhere. The party scene, the pub scene , the night clubs have sen booming at an unprecedented rate. There is very strong requirement of Bouncers in almost every pub and nightclub that is opening in Mumbai, Delhi and other two tier cities such as Bangalore, Pune, Chandigarh etc.

Even seasonal tourist destinations are providing huge opportunities for bouncers in the peak of the season. Many bouncers travel from Mumbai to Goa during winters to earn an extra buck during the season when tourists are at record levels.

Every restaurant needs bouncers and protection throughout the period of operation and more people find themselves safer and convinced when bouncer security is around.


Bouncer Salaries in Future will be higher

India is growing and the importance of security is increasing further, with such diverse population that will be highest in the world in coming years, there is bound to be trouble of every kind.

Security Guards are paid very low salaries which almost define there capability. One can never feel safe with security guards around as they can hardly manage to control a fight, a tough situation, an altercation of any kind.

Therefore the future belongs to bouncers of all kinds in India. Bouncers hired for gyms and pubs is turning to be bouncers hired for residences and apartment security.

Bouncers are young, fit well built security people who can handle any situation anywhere. People are hiring bouncers for protection from their own kids, their  alcoholic partners, their family members and for general protection. The future is clearly of bouncers working all around India for almost every security function. The trend is also good for female bouncers with high salaries for any security work.

The salaries will almost become professional and as is in developed countries such as US. UK, other European countries where the bodyguards and security personnel have good respect and a much better standard of living that their counterparts in India and other such developing countries.

Bouncers salaries now range between Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000 per month for 10-12 hour duty. The future of bouncer salaries is clearly almost double of the current trend. Bouncers will be working at permanent jobs in clubs, gyms, residences for salaries as high as Rs.50,000 per month. The reasons are clear – to maintain a body that commands the aura of what bouncers should be able to command is extremely important and to have such a body type bouncers have to have heavy diet and heavy exercising which can be very costly for any bouncer, bodyguard. The second is the attire – security guards have a standard attire but bouncers have a all black class attire that can have many variants depending on the pricing and the quality of cloth, design and make of the suit.

The ultra HNIs only want the best and to become the highest regarded trustworthy bouncers, there is investment followed by good returns. Anyone interested in becoming a bouncer should be ready to invest money in there own development. The best bouncer jobs are available in Delhi and Mumbai. Mumbai has the highest salary paying bouncer jobs anywhere in India. Delhi is a close second.

For more details about Bouncers in India please visit – Denetim Services Bouncer Hire


How is the quality of Bouncers, PSOs changing in India?

Everyone nowadays hires bouncers and personal security officers for duty around India. All Bouncers are trained and all PSOs are ex-servicemen. All other security men will not suffice to provide any security or even a sense of it when travelling in India.

There are two kinds of bouncers 

  1. Trained, Educated and experienced

This is the kind of bouncer one should hire and have available for security services. These are hardworking students who became full time bouncers at duty in India. These are mostly working in Delhi, Mumbai, Goa and other major cities around India.

It is easy to figure out who are good bouncers, who have the requisite qualities to stand in such a situation.

These men are disciplined, quiet and well behaved. These are qualities that can be easily seen in bodyguards around the world. There are many young over built men in India looking for Bouncer jobs, therefore it is important for bouncer companies to find the right talent.


    2. Untrained, Heavy Built, From suburbs

There are many many young uneducated men who wish to earn good money through dreams of being bodyguard of Bollywood celebrities, VVIPS, known personalities.

What is happening is unprecedented, more men who have no skill in the security field are joining security work. This is something that should not be accepted, these situations create troubles and issues that one cannot even handle. Bouncers who have proper training and have been through a proper educative process of security should be the only ones that should be hired and employed by any company in India.


There are many kinds of security jobs that have started being categorised as bouncer jobs in India. The role of bouncer security in increasing and the demand is also at an unexpected high. We are seeing the increasing demand from unexpected areas:

   Conventional Bouncer Jobs

  1. Door Management
  2. Gate Security
  3. Pub, Bar, Nightclub Security
  4. Event Security
  5. Bodyguard Work
  6. Crowd Management
  7. Gym Management


     Unconventional Bouncer Jobs

  1. Teaching Exercises to People
  2. Protecting family from alcoholic members
  3. Managing Settlements
  4. Handling Human Resources
  5. Managing Staff


Best bouncers in India are employed with the Big Celebrities, the big businessmen. These people are able to change there lives once they get such an opportunity. The people who hire them not only take care of the salary, but also provide many additional benefits to these bouncers that is life changing such as education for their kids, additional emoluments, perquisites and life time job with higher salary than the average.

These field of work is good for people who are disciplined, can manage tough situations and have excellent security skills. These are not difficult to acquire but these are difficult to master and the ones that are mastering such security skills are becoming known faces in security industry.










Protection of women from stalkers, wanton men and safety during travel

The case highlighted in the media of a hardened criminal with more than 30 criminal cases  pending in court including 3 murder cases and happily roaming free on Delhi NCR streets in enough to scare any family man.

Such sleuths and criminals are part of our lives and roaming free without any restraint in our society. What is the best way to ensure safety of family ?

The answer is not simple, and such a question does not have an answer.But there is one thing you can do, try and minimise the chances of such conditions ripening and becoming a fearful, traumatic experience.

Women in India are not living in the agrarian construct, we have educated women surpassing men in every field and working almost in every sector of manufacturing, services industry.

But unfortunately, we still have uneducated,criminal minded and rural men who are visiting big towns and feeling intimidated and inundated with how things are in big cities such as Delhi and Mumbai to name a few.

Ways to keep women safer in todays world ( in descending order),

  1. Hire a Female security officer / Female Bouncer for round the clock protection

Many women are hiring trusted middle aged female security officers who are trained, have excellent security experience such as Ex-CRPF, Ex-services and have settled in big cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune etc.

Such women stay round the clock with the family member to be protected. They are very efficient at handling any situation which challenges the security. The dramatic change in the opinion of any mischief monger will be enough to dissuade him permanently.

Women bouncers / Lady bouncers are employed by many companies to escort their female staff home at night or during early hours of work.

For more information click here – Female Bouncer for Hire


  2.  Have weekly supervision and passage testing from trained personal security officers

There are professionals that can help you understand and plan for avoiding such contingencies, they will help you with important pointers to maintain safety and understand the current dynamics of the country.

Ex-servicemen have the best experience in this and are very genuine in guiding you with to do things, counselling and general advice to make you a vigilant parent and add extra watchfulness to your child.


 3. Have some self defence mechanisms always ready with your child, relative

Pepper Spray, Hard bangles, Alarm instruments, Safety Apps on phone are important strategic investments one should do to ensure that something can be done in an alarming situation.

It might not completely control the situation, but something of this nature might just be the lucky escape method that could be life safer. Nothing waits for days and strong law deterrent to stop the criminal at the time of the event.


4. Companies should invest in women safety

All the mega profits and major acquisitions are making the companies of today grow and make their investors into very rich happy people without sparing a thought to the working people of their company. Any company, CEO or managing director that is serious about their company will invest in ensuring the safety of their female employees.

There are companies that have hired 7-10 middle aged female bouncers to drop their office staff home after 7:00p.m till 8:00 am in the morning. Lutneys Delhi and South Mumbai may be safe, but far of distances and undeveloped sectors bordering such megatowns is where the outside the city working women are able to take a place on rent. Therefore it is important to hire trusted security for ensuring 100% security for women working for such multi nationals around the big bustling towns of India. Every effort the company makes towards safety not only helps the women working but also adds to the the peace of the parents, family members who have their daughters, wives working for such companies.






How Mumbai Bouncer Salaries compare with rest of India

Mumbai is the financial capital of India, Bollywood lives in Mumbai. The richest businessmen of India live in Mumbai. It has highest population compared to all cities in India. Its a high city, also the capital of Maharashtra.

There is nothing that happens in India that does not transpire through Mumbai, the latest trends, the requirements of security and the changing face of personal bodyguards are all set as a trend in Mumbai.

Mumbai has the biggest nightclubs in India, the maximum number of party places in India. Maximum celebrity movement happens at night. Everyone nowadays requires a bodyguard, a bouncer, a close protection officer or a private security guard for protection in the crowded diverse city of Mumbai.

Life is very fast in Mumbai and the requirement of Bouncers is also increasing at a fast pace. With such high requirement and shortage of quality security personnel. The best bouncers are charging higher rates and are able to get better jobs that bouncers of other cities. Here is a clear example of how bouncer salaries increasing at a fast pace in Mumbai.

S. No Bouncer Salaries Nighclubs Restaurants Pubs Events VVIP Protection Celebrity Protection GYM
1 Mumbai 50,000 35,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 70,000 35,000
2 Goa 35,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 20,000
3 Pune 35,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 38,000 20,000
4 Bangalore 40,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 36,000 25,000
5 Delhi NCR 45,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 30,000
6 Chandigarh 30,000 35,000 25,000 25,000 35,000 35,000 25,000
7 Chennai 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
8 Kolkatta 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 20,000
9 Lucknow 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
10 Manali 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 20,000


There are higher salaries for good height, well built and educated bouncers all around India. But if one wants to earn the highest amount in the security field, then one has to start looking for bouncer jobs in Mumbai and slowly scale up the ladder.

Every year more than 10,000 young body builder reach Mumbai to try there hand at security, bodyguard work and only half or so make it to security jobs. Out of those 5000, just 50-60 make it to the highest bracket level. The whole principle changes, a very good quality dress code, walkie talkie- Proper Bodyguard uses and mechanisms.

For more details about bouncer jobs in Mumbai visit – Denetim Services


Salaries for bouncers in Mumbai is increasing

Bouncers all over India have  almost steady salaries ranging from Rs.20,000 to Rs.35,000 per month.  The best paid bouncers are in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The reason is simple, it is the most advanced and updated city of India, followed by Delhi. But another reason that contributes to these high salaries is – The Bollywood industry. Most celebrities need perfect security officers, who are trained and experienced in handling crowds. These celebrities will pay anything to hire the best bouncers from any company of India.


This is driving bouncers from all around India to Mumbai. The kind of people travelling to Mumbai for Bouncer work are:-

  1. Young Body builders
  2. Sports men in weight lifting
  3. Strongest Gym instructors
  4. Trained Bouncers from big cities

These people are applying for jobs in Mumbai, whether it is part time or full time, people are ready to get a start in security work and move up the ladder.

Most bouncers start with event security and move up to permanent jobs in Security industry. The movement is as follows:-

  1. Event Security – Functions, Marriages, Concerts etc
  2. Gym Management and Security
  3. Restaurant Gate Security
  4. Pub or Bar security
  5. South Mumbai Pub or Bar Security
  6. Night club gate security
  7. 5 Star hotel security
  8. VVIP / Celebrity security


The highest salaries for bouncers are in VVIP security and celebrity security and the benefits are also very good for any work. More and More youngsters are moving to Mumbai in hopes of getting some work in the security industry of the western parts of India. namely, Mumbai, Goa and Pune.

What does a  bouncer want from his job :-

  1. Salary on time
  2. Leave as required and stated
  3. Basic Support from management.

These are the only requirements of maintaining a good rapport with the bouncer.

The duties of a bouncer at work, specially in big cities with rich crowds and International norms:-

  1.  Strict gate entry management
  2. Discipline during any event, function.
  3. Crowd Control
  4. Controlling and Handling unruly people
  5. Providing security to the Chief Guest, VVIP Guest
  6. Support for administration during event.
  7. Management for smooth functioning during the event
  8. Reporting to the senior at appropriate intervals


There are qualities of Bouncers , every bouncer is not very muscular and very tall, but still with experience and a good body can provide the best possible services during any event, nigh club security. These are the educated, trained men who have the capability to manage events, take good care of the whole team of bouncers.

Any Person, company hiring bouncers for a short while – few hours, one day would not think about the charges, the person would prefer quality, attested bouncers from the best possible company to avoid any judgement errors for such a short period of time.







How to become a successful bouncer ?

This is the most asked question by the new generation that wants to do something in the world of security specifically bouncer security service.

The process for becoming a bouncer is not very complicated but can take some experience and time to accomplish. Not everyone can become a good bouncer, but everyone can make a name in the security work as many different positions open up once you learn the work for security at events, at corporate offices etc.

These are the requirements to become a successful bouncer:-

  1. Under graduation or at least 12 th Standard Pass
  2. Well Build strong fit muscular body
  3. Valid Identification proof of residence
  4. Age more than 22 years
  5. height at least 5 Feet 10 Inches
  6. Communication skills
  7. Discipline

The steps to become a bouncer are:-

  1. Contact Bouncer Companies
  2. Email your Curriculum Vitae and Full size photograph
  3. Work for small event security whenever possible
  4. Understand Security Work from peers
  5. Try attending bouncer training classes
  6. Master Self Defence Techniques
  7. Purchase proper suits for Bouncer security.


Many youngsters have become very successful bouncers in Mumbai and Delhi, with very good salaries and quality security work, they did not have much experience and had to take the path of event security, graduating to pubs, nightclubs and bar security and finally moving towards Celebrity and VVIP Bodyguard security. The same principle applies for becoming a female bouncer in India.

Jobs for female bouncers are available in Delhi and Mumbai as these cities take the title of being cosmopolitan and International in there outlook. More people living in these cities hire bouncers including female bouncers for security services at events, functions, gate restriction.

Even female bouncers need some background, training and experience before they are hired for important duties.

Female Bouncer Salaries are highest in Mumbai and the second highest in Delhi NCR. To become the best bouncer with very good stature one needs discipline, fitness and hardcore training to handle any situation that can arise during guarding and managing any position.


To apply visit – Denetim Services