How to become a quality bouncer with high salary ?

Becoming a bouncer nowadays is not an easy task, very fit body, well built muscular physique and discipline are the most important starting elements of becoming a bouncer anywhere in India.

Only after one has passed these vital preliminary points does one start to get trained and shaped for becoming a celebrity or VVIP Bouncer anywhere in India.

The best bouncers in India do not need to look for jobs as the general newcomers do, they are offered high paying jobs with accommodation throughout their stay.

There are many new job offers available for bouncers nowadays, the industry and the need for security is diversifying and that has led to a major change in the perception of people in how they require their security to be. Bouncers are considered unarmed and younger that personal security officers. Bouncers have a wider range of work profile as well. Most celebrities hire bouncers for protection. An important reason for hiring bouncers is also unarmed security is allowed in Malls. Hotels, restaurants and other such places.

Bouncers are trained to handle any situation that can arise. mostly being crowd control and general management during the visit of a celebrity or a VVIP.

The increasing need and importance of proper, disciplined bouncers will ultimately lead to starting of a bouncer academy. Such a academy will train, educate and place bouncers all around India. Applying as a bouncer will lead to such important certification being in place.


Currently there aren’t any bouncer training schools or academies in India and many other parts of the world. Most bouncers are trained during event work and other security managements. Bouncers which have good reviews during such security services are hired by bigger companies eventually leading to higher pays and better jobs.

Youth finds the path of bouncers very rewarding and easy to follow, rewarding it is but not easy to reach the higher echelons of bouncer ladder. Bouncer jobs are available all over India but quality jobs are countable and limited. Only the best experienced and trained reach that level.