Bouncer Security at Hospitals

Life in India is changing dramatically, with costs of medical survival getting extremely expensive and every surgery requiring one to sell their house,it is becoming imperative to be of good health, but what is happening around the major cities is no where short of scandal.

Hospitals are getting more and more patients that refuse to ay heavy amounts for operations, medicines and medical staff fees. People have come up with a new way to pay for the charges imposed by hospitals – Fight. Many families that are not satisfied with the operation or the condition of the patients have started putting up fights at the time of payment and discharge. The ruckus, the noise and the vandalism might help in running away from payment of any charges.

Many big joint families from lower middle class and middle class are literally waging wars at hospitals by threatening the doctors, the nurses and breaking furniture lying around the operation theatre. Many times hospital management has no option but to let go of such noise makers and forget the charges.

Security Guards are helpless in handling such acrimonious patient families, the security guard is not equipped and trained to handle families ready to wage a fight in the temple of life.

Bouncers have the skill, the temperament and the experience to handle such people who have made it their profession to avoid payment of dues by protesting and becoming physical at the establishment.

There is more information that starts to come out after bouncers start providing security at hospitals, we have seen cases where the hospital staff helps the patient family avoid charges and earn some amount out of the whole situation.

The hospital will never be able to find out what happened as the whole structure is not to handle impropriety but to handle emergencies and patient care.

Hospital Staff is providing such ideas to families which are present at the hospital during convalescence, the whole system is being rigged.

The Doctors are not even aware of such instances, the staff lets go of such payments as the Management has given them power to do so and they are able to earn money from the patients by showcasing them that the hospital staff is responsible.

Bouncers can handle any situation that arises from such cases of angry, bursting, loud patient families.

The Bouncers can do a better management of the security and provide useful insights regarding methods to be used that avoids any altercation during such situations.

The skill, the legal stance, the training are helpful in handling all kinds of fights, skirmishes, loud families, friends and fighter relatives.

For more information please visit – Bouncer Hire for Hospitals