Bouncers for party

There are more than 100 upper class parties in Delhi NCR and most of them have VVIP guests attending, with well groomed men and fashionable women, dressed in urban and stylish clothes. Such events call for round the clock security cover from bouncers. Many people hosting such parties hire bouncers to have appropriate security at gates, covering the whole parking area and even inside the party, especially near the bar. People prefer trained and well dressed bouncers, they generally should be educated, bouncers who are well behaved, have training and are well built can handle any situation and manage any number of people. The best policy for hiring bouncers is ensuring the previous work of the company with providing bouncers in Delhi NCR, this can be verified with previous work reports, this can also be verified with a good discussion with the bouncer. Bouncers are best when it comes to handling drunk people, teasers and party spoilers, They maintain decorum and ensure least trouble to the organisers when handling such noise makers. They will only act when asked by the organiser or the in-charge at the event.

They will not under any circumstance create an embracing situation at the party. They will manage and not enter into a fight. Entering into a fight with further spoil the situation and cause the people around to loose faith in security. Act with force can only lead to increased violence in parties and other such functions. Body weight and shoulder strength is enough to manage the ruckus and swiftly pull the troublemaker out of the party area.

No Bouncer will drink, no bouncer will smoke or waste time eating food. Bouncers will ONLY follow orders of the party organiser, hirer. Bouncers are mostly civilian who have extremely well built bodies and are generally 6  feet tall.  Bouncers are the best form of security for controlling gates at events, parties and functions.

We provide:-

  1. Bouncers for parties
  2. Bouncers for functions
  3. Bouncers for marriages
  4. Bouncers for events
  5. Bouncers for gate control
  6. Bouncers for farmhouse functions
  7. Bouncers for meetings

For any requirement, Denetim Services requires only 2-4 hours to organise and provide the finest bouncers for security anywhere in Delhi and the NCR region comprising of Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Manesar, Bhiwadi and other surrounding areas of New Delhi.  For details please contact Denetim Services.

Female Bouncers for security in India

There is this shift that is happening in India, the concept of allowing women to work as drivers, security officers, bouncers, supervisors. All these jobs have been jobs only taken by men. But now the country is accepting women as lady security officers, female bouncers and even women security guards. This change has also been showcased by media. Infact our very own Delhi Transport corporation has employed its first female bus driver. This dramatic shift will go a long way in changing the mindset of the society towards work.

Female Security guards can be seen at all most every mall, checking women shoppers and managing female entrances to the mall. This can also been seen at the Delhi Metro stations that have X- ray machines and frisking to check that the passengers are clean. Every metro station has at least two female security officers, female security staff to manage the women entering the station. These women are from Ex-CRPF or Ex-BSF background and are under government duty. The female security staff at the mall is a employee of the security guard company operating the security services for the mall.

The newest addition to this requirement has been women security being asked for marriages and events being held. Many Marriages that are organised in Delhi have the requirement of Bouncers, Armed Personal Security officers have also started requesting for female bouncers to accompany the team of bouncers that are providing security at such events.

We always ensure that women bouncers hire that is on the rise today is well managed. We ensure that female security staff have proper transportation to return after the late night event or marriage, we ensure that women have received proper accommodation in case the event is outstation and bouncers are required for more than one day.

It is a growing requirement and the society is evolving, women are receiving more respect, women are being paid at the same rate as male bouncers and at times even higher. Bouncer companies and Security companies are preferring female supervisors during such security requirements as women are considered safer, more disciplined and better at handling any situation.

Bouncer Salaries have increased to unprecedented levels in the last 15 years

Bouncers for hire have suddenly seen a new lease of life when it comes to hiring and paying bouncers services in India. The growth in party culture and luxury cars has also led to a tremendous increase in bouncer hiring charges as the requirement has skyrocketed. Bouncers are generally considered a status symbol and an important security requirement:-

  1. Parties
  2. Events
  3. Marriages
  4. Meetings
  5. Conferences
  6. Valuable Transfers
  7. Gate Entry

Bouncer charges have increased can be easily said to have doubled in the past decade.

Year Bouncer Salary ( Rs.) % Change
2005 12,000
2007 15,000 25%
2009 18,000 20%
2011 18,000 0%
2013 20,000 11%
2015 25,000 25%
2017 30,000 20%
2019 40,000 33%
2020 45,000 13%
Total Change ( 2005-2020) 275%

As can be seen in the projection of bouncer salaries, they should increase by 275% over what it was in 2005. Bouncer salaries are expected to be higher every year and the impact will be seen as the quality of bouncer protection improves by leaps and bounces. Bouncers are the most hired protection by schools, colleges, event organisers and requirements that have necessity of gate control and management. Bouncers are generally hired in the following cities:-

  1. New Delhi
  2. Mumbai
  3. Bangalore
  4. Pune
  5. Chandigarh
  6. Amritsar
  7. Jalandhar
  8. Shimla
  9. Agra
  10. Goa

The need arises in punjabi strongholds or party places such as Goa and Pune. Mumbai is important as it is the Bollywood stronghold of the country and their are always bouncer jobs available at sets, dance troop practises, crowd control management and during various shooting venues around the city. Even celebrities hire personal bodyguards and personal bouncers for round the clock protection. Bollywood stars find their favourites and always keep their bouncers under their payroll and under their supervision. There has always been protection been provided to people ever since civilisation started and such protection services will continue as long as we continue to have Very Important persons in our society. Such rich persons will always hire bouncers in and around their lifestyles whether in India or abroad. Bouncers are well built, strong willed boys without the sense of right and wrong. One needs to select the smart ones and take adequate care to ensure that these bouncers are trained further to learn the best security practises that are to be followed in India. A protection officer is never supposed to drink or take any intoxicant substances during duty. Infact we try and ensure that all personal security men do not take any alcohol on or off duty. For additional details please visit – For details about PSO Salaries in India – Click Here For PSO Jobs in India – Click Here

How do bouncers control fights ?

Bouncers are bull dozers without an operating system. Bouncers are people who are just alive to eat, build muscle and stand like a wall.

India is a growing nation and the number of party goers is increasing, leading to more cases of drunk brawls, late night wars between gangs and instances of fights at clubs, restaurants. Bouncers require loads of food and loads of chicken to survive, not to forget the amount of beer they consume after the event has finished. Bouncers are uneducated, civilian boys who have worn black suits to stand in pubs. To achieve a qualification as a bouncer in India is very easy and can be obtained by just having a well built body even of the body build is crooked and spoilt. Bouncers are generally shabby and unkept throughout their lives.

Denetim Services only recommends hiring bouncers in Delhi for events or functions particularly for gate entry. Bouncers for hire in Delhi come from neighbouring states and villages and do not have the same sense of etiquettes and training that can be expected from a upper middle class family that has resided in Delhi. Even though the number of educated, professional people quitting jobs and applying for bouncers, security work is increasing, the transition will take sometime. But once the transition happens one will easily see how education and qualification will transform the bouncer market in India.

The need to understand the sophistication, the quality and the factor of class protection is still missing in India,  partygoers, party throwers are requiring bouncers for elite parties in farmhouses, marriage functions and big party halls around Delhi, now such gatherings are attended by the rich, the VVIPS, the celebrities and many other known people. Such situations require nothing but the finest and the best bouncers of India, with immaculate style and absolute security provision. One cannot get bouncers from US or UK for one event. But one can get its best bouncers trained and groomed by an International Security expert who can help sharpen the quality or security services available in India.

Bouncers need constant affirmation, they are insecure people who are unsure of the future as the bouncer industry is adding thousands of bouncers every month. Untrained, uneducated villagers are being positioned as bouncers in cities around India. Bouncers profession has that elasticity to have untrained and badly dresses bouncers standing in the crowd and not being noticed in the team of bouncers. This is the key to understand the bouncers. There are many bouncers who are not exactly bouncers but are still making money as bouncers. They are just ordinary people who have connection with established bouncers and are able to pass on some of the money earned as commission to the established bouncers. There job is to be present during the head count. They are nothing but mannequins. Every event organiser, every function manager, every marriage in- charge should always keep a eye on such a fact.

Most security services companies providing bouncers do not pay taxes, are nowhere near payment of service tax and are unregistered with the government when it comes to security registration of their companies.

Female Bouncer, Female security officer for female protection

There is a rising trend for protection requirement of upper middle class and upper class women, these requirements are for hiring private security officers and bouncers for general protection in and around travel in cities.

Women from upper class that already have a chauffeur driven luxury car generally have one personal security officer or private security guard for duty, who accompanies her during her daily travel. In such cases the person is generally male security officer. But lately many women from middle class who visit colleges or are studying somewhere require a lady bouncer or lady personal security officer for protection in and around India.

The recent surge in lady bouncer or lady security officer is also seen as a safety measure taken by parents to keep their daughters safe even from male security personnel who cannot be trusted in some cases, specially in a country such as India.

Lady Bouncers are from Ex- service background, mostly from Ex-BSF, Ex- CRPF. These women have completed there service for at least a period of ten years so as to receive government pension. Most of these lady security officers are living in cities raising their families. These security women are looking for work in Delhi and can be trusted with any kind of duty. The only consideration being the transportation needs to be organised by the company in case the work entails late night duty or duty to secluded, far away areas outside the city.

One will find that almost upto 90% of the women are ex-servicewomen and the rest are civilians, a ratio that cannot be said to be same for male bouncers and male personal security officers.

Women Security officers, Women Bouncers or lady bouncers are safer, more disciplined than their male counterparts and can provide higher quality of security services. Absolutely no women security officers smoke or drink. Nobody can challenge the this, and almost all male security officers and male bouncers smoke and drink. The difference is discipline between female bouncers or lady security officers and male counterparts in so vast that one actually waits for the day when everyone will understand this and only hire female security officers in India. This will add better safety, better protection, more discipline and lead to lower risk in terms of security.

There is an emerging trend of women hiring women security throughout Delhi and it is hoped that this will soon become the changing factor in the security industry.

Bouncer Jobs – Pubs, Bars, Events, Meetings, Parties and Concerts

Best companies in India recruit bouncers with a thorough verification and absolute paperwork. Denetim Services is hiring bouncers from all around India with specific training and experience for security at events, parties, clubs, meetings, marriages, conferences, concerts, festivals, gate protection, VVIP protection anywhere in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, chandigarh, Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi NCR , Bhopal, Jaipur, Agra, Shimla etc. Denetim Services will only hire bouncers with educational qualification of at least 12 All India Board CBSE or ISCE.

Denetim Services - Security , Bodyguards, Bouncers

For more details about bouncers, please visit

Denetim is hriring bouncers in India , Bouncer jobs In India
Denetim is hriring bouncers in India , Bouncer jobs In India

Every Bouncer Jobs will be after verification and complete scrutiny. Salaries can vary from Rs.20,000 to Rs.50,000 per month plus overtime expenses and reimbursement of eating charges.

Denetim Services has fired many many bouncers on unexpected conduct and ill-discplined behaviour, on information about any past ill-conduct, Denetim Services will immediately expel the bouncer and will announce the conduct to every bouncer company in India.

Ideal Bouncer Qualification:

  1. Height 6″
  2. Education – Under graduation
  3. Married Preferable
  4. Government Proof – Driving License, Adhaar Card, Pan Card, Income Tax Return
  5. Complete Curriculum Vitae ( Verified by Denetim )
  6. Past Experience in a Metropolitan City – Delhi , Mumbai, Chandigarh, Pune etc
  7.  Too Heavy bouncers will be rejected – Fitness and well built body is the key

We have tremendous regard for experience and valid government proof that can be provided by every bouncer under services. Mostly bouncers are civilians with varied experience of street fighting skills in India. Denetim Services takes such bouncers only on condition of experience and reference check.

For getting hired and getting a permanent job with Denetim Services- Email you CV and Full Size Picture to